Thursday, November 5, 2015

The System Has Made Me A Cynic

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted.

I finally, FINALLY, after over a year now since I first filed with the aid of a lawyer.... actually I think it's been over a year since I was denied and subsequently appealed, received a notification from Social Security that I have a hearing date scheduled for January 20th.

While this is, generally speaking, good news, I'm not exactly jumping for joy.

The truth is, I've been living with this horse hockey my body throws at me for 18 years, and in all of that time, every benefit I've ever received from the government - be it local or federal, and really, the only ones I've ever gotten approved on have been local, being foodstamps and, until more recently given the change in laws here, Medicaid - has been fought for tooth and nail. Food stamps weren't as difficult as Medicaid. Getting Medicaid for the first time, I was denied, and had to appeal with assistance from a group that worked through a hospital to help people such as myself.

Now, with the change in laws here, you can't really get Medicaid if you aren't a mother or aren't receiving Social Security benefits.

I've been trying for years now, literally, years, to get Social Security. I've applied and appealed, and applied and appealed again. Every time, I was denied. Every time, they say I'm healthy enough to work. They don't live in this body, they don't live with my brain. How the hell can they know I can work based off of a 10 minute physical exam from a doctor that has no rapport with me, and whatever they decide is worth listening to in medical records, which apparently is nothing at all?

The system here really isn't at all fair. I would honestly love to work. I really would. But it's just not a realistic undertaking. Employers don't want someone who will be erratic in their availability, and who has so many doctor-ordered restrictions.

The appeal hearing will be different in the sense that I will be able to speak for myself, I'll be able to offer my side of the story, they'll have a face to go with all of that paperwork, and they can get more insight other than just what's written down. In spite of that though... I just can't muster any real optimism. I can't.

Those of you reading this that know me well, you know how big of a deal that is. I'm forever the optimist, the positive one, the  everything happens for a reason type. But this? I just feel like it's a higher step to stand on before I get knocked down to the bottom of the stairwell again.

You're probably wondering why I even bothered trying if I don't think I'm going to win. The truth is... I'm trying because I have to. Because I don't really have any other choice or any other options available to me at this point in time. I have to keep fighting, even if it's a futile battle, and hope that maybe sometime, somewhere down the line, someone will hear my voice over the din and actually listen and understand.

Who knows, that may even be this judge that I see in January. I doubt it. But, maybe.

The thing is, all of these denials, all of these hoops I've had to jump through for every little scrap the government wants to give me... it's sucked the positivity and optimism out of me when it comes to anything related to things like that. It's just... I'm going 'well, I may as well do it, I've got nothing better to do, right?'

I know that sort of attitude won't help. I know that sort of energy won't help. But I literally cannot help it. I try to have faith that it'll work out, and I pray constantly that it will, but there's only so many times I can get kicked in the teeth before I start putting my hands up before the boot can reach me.

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