Wednesday, August 2, 2017

A Question For Vegetarians/Vegans

Firstly, I apologize for any spelling errors, grammatical mistakes or words that simply don't belong. I'm writing this post on my Droid and autocorrect is a bitch as we all know lol.

That being said, I have a question for former meat-eating vegans and vegetarians. Well, I suppose it's a series of questions technically. Can you recommend any good meat-replacement products? I mean like... veggie bacon that tastes at least somewhat close to bacon. Veggie burgers that taste close to beef. Veggie chicken ... you get the idea.

I would like to eliminate more meat and animal products from my diet, and while I can't go fully meatless (my IBS screams at a vegetarian diet and will have me dehydrated in no time from the amount of time spent on the toilet, and also seems to interfere with the amount of iron and calcium I absorb from plant based food as I tend to become both anemic and calcium deficient in spite of eating foods rich in both and taking supplements) I would like to go as close to it as I can. I want to do this not only for my health but for the health of this planet. I'm not fool enough to think that one person ceasing to eat meat or only rarely consuming it will have any impact upon the number of animals killed for meat production, so saving animal lives isn't really on the list of the whys. I do hope that in the long run the joint effort among all of us that are quitting or cutting down will reduce the number of animals raised and thus reduce greenhouse gasses, but that's just a hope.

Anyway. I've tried boca burgers and found them pretty okay but not great so I could use suggestions there. Veggie bacon that doesn't taste like smoke flavored vinyl would be amazing. I've yet to try veggie chicken or vegan cheese (is that even a thing? If so where the hell do I get it?) So suggestions for those are welcome too.

All in all, I'm aware that it won't taste the same as the real deal, but close or at least tasty enough to substitute is good for me. I know meats tend to cause inflammation in the body too and I have enough of that already lol.

Thanks in advance!

1 comment:

  1. i would check out people like Dr.Berg he has a YouTube channel about the effects of food on the body. that might help you out. I'm not a vegetarian or vegan but his videos helped me with my health issues.
