(Note: Some of you have noticed the lack of italics and such lately; iPad hates blogger beyond a certain post length and formatting doesn't carry over from word programs. So I use - and caps and the like when I'm writing on iPad.)
Right, so. Those of us on Twitter have seen the trending hashtag, right? #TrumpGirlsBreakTheInternet? Yeah that one. Well, let me lay down some shit for you people right about now.
First and foremost, I'm a Liberal - before you get all judgey, Conservatives, keep reading. I don't like Trump as a person. I don't. He's a douche. I have the same sentiment regarding Hillary, honestly, except I actually trust her -less.- That woman has so many faces even Hel be like 'Dayum girl, who does your makeup?!' (Props if you get that Norse mythology reference.)
HOWEVER. Regardless of who I do or don't like, hell, regardless of who YOU do or don't like... EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO EXPRESS THEMSELVES IN THIS COUNTRY! THAT IS A PART OF OUR CONSTITUTION. They have the right to vote for who they choose and to support who they choose, and for the feminists out there, slut shaming these women and literally egging them in person? HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE MISOGYNISTS? Isn't that what you're supposed to be fighting AGAINST? Or is it only misogyny when men do it, giving you a convenient little loophole to be evil bitches (Hey, if it's okay for you, it's okay for me) to other women who don't go along with your views?
If you want to shame, mock, belittle, and condemn these women simply because of how they look, and what they wear... Wait, isn't that the very same thing you complain about every single day on Tumblr and Twitter, and every other platform you can manage? Stop being such hypocrites!
If these women want to support and vote for Trump, that's their Constitutional right and their choice. I support their freedom of choice, their rights, and their freedom of expression. How is it I, an anti-feminist, am more "feminist" by what feminists claim feminism is about than the feminists I see putting these women down?!
Knock it off, stop behaving like children, and let people do what they're going to do! So what if you don't agree with their choice in presidential candidate? No one ever said you had to! It isn't YOUR choice; it's theirs.
Isn't being a liberal supposed to be about supporting the freedom of choice and supporting of rights and freedom of expression? What happened to that? Since when did it become about mockery and belittling those who don't agree with what you think? Don't you realize you're behaving WORSE than the people you supposedly dislike? Good grief, people, open your damn eyes and look in the mirror once in a while; you're becoming everything you once claimed to be against. No, you aren't becoming it. You HAVE become it, and over what? An election? Some pictures on the Internet? Way to stick to your values, opinions, morals and beliefs. Really showing your integrity, man, I tell ya - or rather, your lack thereof.
The U in the United States has vanished. We aren't United anymore. We've never been more divided. It's sad, and it's pathetic, and it's a testament to the level of immaturity and prejudice (racial, religious and political) that runs rampant in our country - as well as the level of ignorance to see that instead of tearing one another down for our differences, we should be looking at what we have in common and building each other up off of that foundation.
No one person can make America great again, especially not when so many individuals in this country are making it worse every single minute. It will take a unified effort to make this country great. And for that to happen, these lines in the sand have to vanish. Sadly.. I don't see that happening any time soon, not with so many people having their heads up their asses.
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