Saturday, May 28, 2016

(Language warning) Ranting, Ranting, and more Ranting

I know it's been like, forever, since I've posted anything but a book review. I'm sorry for that, and I'm rectifying that now.

In truth, aside from being utterly exhausted 99% of the time for no damned good reason, which, I'm not sure if it's the chronic fatigue, my heart, or something else entirely, I'm just fucking tired of everything.

Have you guys noticed how much bullshit is everywhere lately? Just absolutely everywhere. People are getting their panties in a bunch over every tiny little thing because the government and the media want them to, so they do! The more the media focuses attention on shit, the more everyone seems to care, and the real issues that actually affect the world as a whole slip by the wayside.

We have the whole gender issues thing - you know, we've been using bathrooms with transgender individuals for decades and nobody fucking knew it, but now that the government and media made a big deal out of it, IT'S SUDDENLY A HUGE DEAL. I've had female, CIS friends verbally accosted by people in or outside of women's restrooms just because they don't fit some other woman's idea of what a woman should "look like."

People just want to use the damn bathroom. "What about the perverts?!" You ask. Well, what about the ones that were already there? The men in the men's room that would molest little boys, or the women - or hiding men - in women's rooms that would molest little girls or women. They've always been there, too. The laws aren't going to change that fact. The truth is, most children that get molested, statistically, are molested by someone they already know - a friend, a family member, a teacher, a church leader, etc. Pay attention to your damn kids, and don't send them to the bathroom alone. Don't worry about who's taking a piss beside you, worry about your own business.

And meanwhile, what about the homeless kids? The starving ones? The ones getting abused in their own homes? I don't hear you speaking up much about them. Hypocrites.

Speak your damn mind. You don't give a shit about the bathroom, you're using it as a mask for prejudice.

Anyway. Aside from that bullshit, there's the constant assaults on religions, on race, hell, even on disabled people - some SJWs are now saying that white disabled people are more privileged and powerful than POC disabled people. Uh, WHAT? Last I checked, disabled is disabled. There's no damn privilege when it comes to fucking disability.

I'm just tired of all of the petty first world problem bullshit. I really am. And honestly, that is exactly what it is. It's all first world problems. The world is going to hell in a handbasket, between wars, water shortages, poverty, climate shifts, etc. But everyone in the first world nations can't see a damn inch from in front of their face, and it's pathetic.

There's too much hate, too many people looking to make problems where there aren't any. Too many people wanting to tear each other apart because APPARENTLY that's more fun than finding common ground and coming together instead.

I used to wonder how the hell Trump managed to get as much support as he did. I don't any more. It's painfully obvious. Hate and prejudice are allowed to roam unchecked and nobody gives a second thought to setting it aside and looking for unity. Well, people, you reap what you sow. It will sicken me if he becomes our next president, but it honestly won't surprise me.

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