Saturday, April 16, 2016

An Update and Annoucement

Well, life has had its ups and downs lately; fibro flares, bipolar mood swings, you name it, life has thrown it at me. It's said God never gives you more than you can handle... Sometimes I do so wish He didn't trust me quite so much! LOL!

Overall my pain level has been higher than usual but it's the turn of the seasons, and with the weird weather in the Midwest, and the stress - emotional and otherwise - in my life lately, that's understandable. I go for my first counseling appointment Monday; I'm pretty nervous about it honestly, but I know I need it. I need an unbiased third party to be able to talk to about everything, and I know I have a lot of unresolved emotional issues that I need to talk about.

As to my announcement, well, there are a few. First. I won my disability claim! I've been receiving checks since March and am anxiously awaiting my first back pay check. I'm not thrilled with social security's back pay system; it's three payments, one every six months, then my SSD payments start. It's basically going to take three years for me to get my full back pay. Annoying? Very.

Second announcement: You're going to start seeing book reviews on here! I joined a site called Blogging for Books - which is just what it sounds like; you sign up, select what sorts of books you like, then pick a free book to receive in exchange for publishing an honest blog review on their website and your own blog. I'm looking forward to it! :D my first book will be here in 10-14 days and once I've read it I'll have my review up!

So. Stay tuned! I'll be picking not only health related items (This one deals with depression) but religion, fiction, non-fiction, whatever strikes my fancy and sounds like something I'd enjoy and be able to write a sound review on :) looking forward to reviewing for them - and for you all.

Check them out at if you have a blog (I don't know if tumblr counts, but goodreads, Facebook, and Twitter don't) and can do a good three paragraphs of an honest review plus a disclaimer in return for a free book or ebook! They even cover shipping!!!!

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